I AM what I believe I AM….Daily

I AM Daily delivers a new positive affirmation each time you open up a new tab on your browser.

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The benefits of daily affirmations are proven and limitless. Replacing limiting negative thoughts with positive empowering thoughts and intentions have proven to be life changing. It can help rewire your brain. Help you reach your full potential and be the best person you can be.

What is an affirmation you might be asking. A positive affirmation is something you say to yourself with absolute confidence and assurance that you are that what you say you are or are becoming. It is a very powerful repetition of statements, as affirmations repeated constantly can serve to strengthen the connection between your conscious and unconscious mind. And help to both eliminate self limiting beliefs whilst helping you to focus on achieving your goals. Whilst maintaining a present state of mind. The stronger your mind becomes, the easier it will be for you to overcome challenges and open your self up to all of the possibilities and opportunities that you will start to feel you are capable and worthy of achieving.

I am worthy.

I am successful.

I am wealthy.

I am happy.

I am blessed.

I am a blessing.

I am beautiful.

I am strong.

I am patient.

I am resilient.

I am rich.

I am loved.

I am grateful.

I am compassionate.

I am a gift to this world.

I am capable.

I am aware of my strengths.

I am peaceful.

I am relaxed.

I am motivated to work towards my goals.

I am achieving more and more each day.

I am taking time for self-care.

I am grateful for what I am and have.

I am reliable.

I am loyal.

I am creative.

I am a go-getter.

I am caring.

I am kind.

I am succeeding in life.

I am full of energy

I am worthy of everything I achieve

I am prepared for my dreams to come true.

I am the architect of my life.

I am strong enough to overcome my challenges.

I am blessed to have everything in my life.

I am capable of attracting abundance.

I am a motivation to myself and others.

I am capable of achieving greatness.

I am open to receiving unexpected gifts.

I am grateful for the abundance that I have.

I am a great person who attracts success and happiness.

I am worthy of all the good things in life and I deserve to be happy.

I am open-minded.

I am a powerful character.creator.

I am creating the life I want and don’t let others influence my decisions.

I am surrounded by amazing people who believe in me.

I am living my life in a state of absolute abundance.

I am committed to achieving success in my life.

I am worthy of the wealth I create.

I am financially independant.

I am grateful for the finances I have.

I am grateful for the money I am capable of making.

I am worthy of financial success.

I am open to receiving more money.

I am able to attract money seamlessly.

I am worthy of financial success.

I am able to manage my money independently.

I am generous.

I am in control of my wealth.

I am able to give and receive compliments.

I am grateful for all the money I have.

I am grateful that I can contribute my money within society.

I am open to money always flowing into my life.

I am open to receiving money in my life.

I am open and receptive to all the wealth I am rewarded.

I am worthy of a happy life.

I am healthy.

I am deserving.

I am the master of my wealth.

I am worthy of financial abundance.

I am creating an abundant future.

I am worthy of making more money than those around me.

I am feeling strong and healthy.

I am a happy healthy person.

I am grateful that my life is so happy and successful.

I am excited to wake up and experience this beautiful day life

I am creating a beautiful life with my thoughts and visions.

I am achieving what I am conceiving.

I am grateful and kind.

I am full of love and praise.

I am living in a state of contentment.

I am grateful now and always open to receive more blessings.

I am grateful for this present moment.

I am grateful for the abundance I have in my life.

I am worthy of being loved

I am worthy of being happy

I am worthy of having joy in my life.

I am embracing each new day with complete satisfaction.

I am giving thanks for each moment I am blessed to experience.

I am appreciating the simple things in life.

I am living my life with humble awareness and gratitude.

I am deserving of unconditional love.

I am at peace with myself and others.

I am happy, healthy, and wealthy.

I am kind to myself and others.

I am proud my body.

I am deserving of good health.

I am open to new ways of improving my life.

I am a good friend.

I am energetic.

I am at peace with my body, heart, mind, and spirit.

I am releasing all that is not in alignment with me.

I am worthy of beautiful things.

I am at peace.

I am choosing to treat others with forgiveness.

I am focusing on the joy of my life.

I am always looking to help others where and when I can.

I am worthy of beautiful things..

I am at peace.

I am accepting of all things as they are.

I am blessed to be able to help others.

I am filled with praise and gratitude.

I am becoming the best version of myself.

I am making a positive contribution in society.

I am learning valuable lessons every day.

I am a beautiful soul.

I am the master of my future.

I am accepting of who I am.

I am someone who believes in themself.

I am proud of myself.

I am perfect just the way I am.

I am an amazing person.

I am healthy and happy.

I am smart.

I am full of great ideas and thoughts.

I am fun and creative.

I am playful.

I am unique.

I am proud of the person I am becoming.

I am loved and give love

I am a wonderful person.

I am looking forward to what gifts today brings.

I am grateful for my family and friends.

I am a caring person.

I am proud of myself.

I am important.

I am appreciated.

I am determined.

I am a good friend.

I am patient.

I am succeeding in life.

I am deserving of happiness.

I am wonderful just as I am.


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